Registration for second-term summer classes at GPC is open through June 26. (photo by Bill Roa)
GPC offers four-week academic courses beginning June 30
University System of Georgia students take note: At Georgia Perimeter College, there’s still time—and a wide assortment of courses—for you to earn transferable credit and get to your home institution by the fall.
As one of the state’s top transfer institutions, GPC is offering half-semester courses beginning June 30 that allow students to earn full-time, transferable credit in four weeks. More than 50 courses, such as Accounting II; Anatomy and Physiology, Public Speaking and Spanish are being offered at the college’s Clarkston, Dunwoody and Decatur campuses, as well as online. (Selected half-semester courses also are offered on GPC’s Alpharetta and Newton campuses.)
Because of the shortened—and more rigorous— half-semester schedule, classes meet every day for four weeks.
The four-week, half-semester program offers a convenient option, particularly for students who attend other four-year institutions, such as University of Georgia, during fall and winter.
Students can take advantage of the quick pace of GPC’s courses and their transferability to the students’ original institutions, says Debora Constable, a GPC accounting professor.
Constable teaches first- and second-half accounting courses that are required for business majors.
“Our accounting classes are for all business majors in the U.S.—they have to take Accounting I and II courses,” she says.
Students also may find that the shortened half-semester suits their learning styles, Constable says. New material is presented every day, and tests are held every week.
“We cover a chapter a day, and the material tends to stay on the mind, and students tend to test better,” she says. To supplement her half-semester online course, Constable uses online resources and YouTube videos.
“This is an intensive course, but the benefit is that you’re done in less than four weeks, and students who pass with a B average are usually accepted into their respective accountancy programs.”
Registration for half-semester courses ends June 26. To enroll, visit www.gpc.edu