Dunwoody’s quad, which had been underutilized by students, includes more seating areas, landscaping and an upgraded stairway leading from the adjoining student center. (photo by Bill Roa)
Work to give four of Georgia Perimeter College’s campuses fresher, safer and more functional spaces is virtually complete and starting to receive its due, now that warmer temperatures have arrived.

A one-stop shop for students is expected to improve student services and efficiencies at Clarkston Campus. (photo by Bill Roa)
Improvements began last summer on Alpharetta, Clarkston, Decatur and Dunwoody. The fifth campus, Newton, opened its doors in June 2007 and did not need major upgrades. The changes were designed with students in mind.
Much of the work on GPC’s quads was completed in autumn, says Todd Cook, interim director for facilities planning. The outdoor areas didn’t attract tremendous attention during the winter, but now that spring has arrived, more students are lingering outdoors to try them out. Quads at Clarkston and Decatur now host outdoor classrooms, granite walls and new seating areas.
“They are getting more use now; students are enjoying them,” Cook says. “We have been waiting for everything to start blooming.”
On Decatur Campus, a renovation of the student center, complete with new flooring and furniture, has made the gathering space more inviting. The lower lobby in the SA building was given a new look, the library and executive offices saw improvements, and the quad between the SA building and the gym received a major overhaul.
At Clarkston, GPC’s iconic fountain in the college’s original quad was brought back to life, with the installation of new pumps and controls. The fountain as refurbished with new coatings and new granite.

More structure and seating was incorporated into the quad outside Clarkston’s library. (photo by Bill Roa)
“It should be good for another 20 years,” says Cook.
Attention was given to the quads outside the library at Clarkston (between CE and CD buildings) and between the CC and CD buildings, as well.
“We wanted them to be more functional – places you would want to sit and spend time, places to study.” Cook says.
The designs took into account individual strengths of the areas. For example, one of the quads has an amazing canopy of old growth trees, so it has been left less structured than some of the other quads, Cook said.

Changes to the Advising and Counseling office are part of a multi-phase project for Clarkston Campus. (photo by Bill Roa)
Other key projects include a Clarkston Campus tennis court renovation and health clinic expansion that will comprise more exam rooms and a larger lab space and waiting area. A multi-phase project entails upgrades to the Clarkston Student Center one-stop shop to increase efficiency and improve services to students.
Dunwoody Campus saw construction of a student health center, as well as upgrades to its student center quad. The quad, which had been underutilized by students, includes more seating areas, landscaping and an upgraded stairway leading from the adjoining student center.
At Alpharetta, large classrooms were divided into smaller ones to provide additional instruction space. The “Jaguar Den” student center was renovated, and new lighting, power and seating were provided outdoors.
Georgia Perimeter’s campuses also saw exterior lighting additions and sidewalk repairs to improve not only aesthetics, but safety as well. Outside power outlets were installed to allow students to plug in their computers or phones as they work.
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